The Arkanssouri Blog.: Swatting the relativists.

Tuesday, February 07, 2006

Swatting the relativists.

Just went on a blog search for the phrase "There are no absolutes" occuring over the last few days.

Where I could, I commented that the phrase is self-disproving because it is itself an absolute.

In one instance, I pointed out that the sentence "It is never okay to rape and strangle a three-year-old" is also an absolute, and that to believe there are no absolutes is to believe it is SOMETIMES okay to rape and strangle a three-year-old.

I choose to believe in absolutes.


Blogger Ben said...

Whether we believe in something is irrelevant....meaning this, if I believe in A and you believe "not A", we can't both be right. Can we? Do the truths we cling to depend greatly upon our point of view, or are they grounded in something a little more concrete?

On what do we base our ideas of absolutes? I won't say that it is right, but using your example, on what authority can we say it is wrong to rape and strangle a three-year-old? How do we know that we can say "no, really, it's not okay for you"?

8:55 PM  

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