The Arkanssouri Blog.: "Galactica 1980" 2006.

Friday, April 28, 2006

"Galactica 1980" 2006.

One of the signs a TV show is about to jump the shark is when they start spinning off spinoffs. There are some exceptions, such as a couple that spun off from the original shark-jumper Happy Days -- Laverne & Shirley and Mork & Mindy. But then they went and did Joanie Loves Chachi. Shark jumping ensued before Lennie Loves Squiggy and Pinky Loves Leather could get off the ground.

Then there was Enos, a spinoff of The Dukes of Hazzard. I want to make this clear -- Enos the role was one of my two favorite characters in TDOH (the other being Cooter), but Enos the show was just awful. Even Enos knew this ahead of time and had it written into his contract that he could return to TDOH after Enos inevitably flopped miserably. While I don't remember the General Lee ever literally jumping a shark, I vaguely remember plotlines about Santa Claus and space aliens. Somehow THOSE reruns don't make it onto CMT.

Remember After M*A*S*H? Horrible.

And let's face it, the Six Million Dollar Man was never quite the same after The Bionic Woman happened. Apparently, Jamie Summers' bionic ear could not function with a single strand of long hair dangling in front of it, because she would always remove it with her finger when she wanted to hear something. (Angry letters to me from feminists and lesbians may be submitted using the "Comments" function at the end of this post.) It then led to Max The Bionic Dog and . . . I sh*t you not . . . Bionic Bigfoot. They even resorted to Add-A-Kid, in this case, a bionic one. Bionic Bigfoot. Let that sink in. What can I say? It was during the Carter Administration.

I remind you of all of this as background for this announcement:

The people who brought you the latest incarnation of Battlestar Galactica now bring you Caprica.

Look for Boxy to be added to the BG cast any time now.

Muffit I could handle, but if Boxy comes back, I'm out.


Blogger KipEsquire said...

My Baltar can beat up your Baltar.

11:15 AM  
Blogger The Last American said...

My Starbuck's hotter than your Starbuck.


8:52 AM  
Blogger The Libertarian Guy said...

Throw in a "Cousin Oliver", and it's a bug hunt, man... a bug hunt! Game over, man!

I'm still pissed that UPN gave up on "Enterprise"...

1:12 PM  

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