The Arkanssouri Blog.: I may have to rename this blog.

Saturday, April 08, 2006

I may have to rename this blog.

Given that Arkansas has just gleefully jumped into a role as a European-style nanny state, I may be removing the "Arkan" from "Arkanssouri."

"There's probably some crying towels being passed out in the tobacco
industry today," joked the governor, who has lost 100 pounds and exercises

And the anti-individual liberty, anti-property, anti-capitalism crowd are popping their champagne corks.

Reserve some of those crying towels for those of us who believe in freedom and small government, Guv. You know, those things you used to claim to believe in.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Goofy stuff. I react to this the same way I reacted when major credit-card companies quit allowing cards to be used to order out-of-state cigarettes. What the hell? We're talking legal product here. I just shake my head. And the thing is, I don't really keep up with this anymore so I get surprises, like the NCAA banning "Native American" mascot names in post-season play. Where'd this come from? The inmates truly run the asylum. And you know it's only going to get worse-sometimes violent, bloody revolution comes to mind, but it'd only be worse, so I guess we'll keep up this slow slide downward. I think I'm coming to the same conclusion to Michael Savage, that at the rate we're going, we could well see a fascistic, reactionary dictatorship as a cure, and right-winger that I am, that'd be a sucky place in which to reside, which sucks, because there aren't too many other escape nations I'd consider, and the trip to Costa Rica or New Zealand would be a long and pricey one.


3:39 PM  

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