Things today off of which that piss me.
(Hey, no ending with a preposition, remember?)
1. CNN constantly referring to Warren Jeffs as a polygamist instead of a child rapist.
2. The Glen Beck Show on CNN Headline News. This is the best conservative CNN could come up with? You want to see a live-action performance of USA TODAY? Then tune in to the Glen Beck Show.
3. Companies that mail things to someone who lived at my address at least six years ago.
4. Big Brother spying on the calling habits of hundreds of millions of Americans without a shred of probable cause.

6. The Tawana Bradleys of the world and the power-mad prosecutors who enable them.
7. Ravenous pre-handbags.
8. People who sue to get a 99-cent-store-quality tote bag.
9. The fat Dixie Chick.
10. Eateries lacking no-children sections.
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