The Arkanssouri Blog.: Does Glenn Beck Read Southern Missouri Blogs?

Thursday, July 06, 2006

Does Glenn Beck Read Southern Missouri Blogs?

I must stress that I can find no direct evidence that he does.

But take a look at something I posted about Little Kim yesterday at 12:14 PM Central:

Dude's been watching way too many Austin Powers movies. He's patterning himself after the batshit-insane villians. All he needs is a Mini-Me. No, wait; he is his OWN Mini-Me!

Now take a look at something Glenn Beck said last night on his CNN Headline News show, which first airs at 6:00 PM:

You know, for a time there I was really looking forward to the end of the Cold War, but now, do you remember when you were a kid and you were underneath the blanket. And you were like, "They`re going to vaporize you tonight." Now, I kind of find myself pining for those simpler times when our enemies were -- sure, they were going to vaporize us. But they were only half insane.

Now, our enemies, like Kim Jong-Il, they`re not just nuts; they are Courtney Love make out with a homeless person nuts, and they have weapons. Of course, Courtney Love has weapons, too, but those are S.T. -- anyways.

It`s kind of like we`re Austin Powers, and he`s Dr. Evil, except I don`t think we`re going to be able to trap Kim Jong-Il in outer space with his hairless cat. I don`t know for sure, but I`m thinking.

Now take a look at something Dennis posted over on Dennis' Ramblings yesterday at 12:09 PM:

Ken Lay of Enron fame is dead... I give it one, maybe two days before some nut-case claims that Lay paid off the appropriate officials, faked his death, and is living well in the Caribbean- avoiding the potential 20 year prison sentence... Just wait, it will happen.

Now take a look at this exchange between Glenn Beck and Erica Hill, later in the same show which, I remind you begins at 6:00 PM Central:

BECK: How are things?

HILL: Things are not bad. How are things on your end?

BECK: Hey, I could be Ken Lay.

HILL: That`s true. Yes. That is actually getting a lot of attention today. You`re talking about the, of course, founder of Enron, Ken Lay, who we learned today passed away early this morning.

BECK: Oh, that`s what they`d have you think. No, I`m just saying -- no, I`m just -- it`s big oil. They`re faking his death just like Walt Disney, and he`s someplace...

HILL: So he`s cryogenically frozen somewhere?

BECK: I don`t think so. I think he`s got a frozen drink in his hand, and he`s somewhere on the island or something, spending all that dough that they claim to have taken away from him.

HILL: Well, that`s the Glenn theory. We should say, though, according to a family spokesperson, Lay died early this morning of a massive heart attack in Colorado, outside Aspen where he...


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