The Arkanssouri Blog.: In middle of a thunderstorm,

Saturday, September 23, 2006

In middle of a thunderstorm,

but I needed to come in and let my minions know that I don't know when or if I'll be posting this next week.

I have to go to Koshkonong every day and feed my uncle's critters while he goes to Cult Camp.

But weep not, my minions. I have not forsaken you. I will be back after the week, to post again.

At least for another week, after which I'll have to do it again so he can go to Texas to visit his newly-manufactured granddaughter.

In the meantime, you can get your fix of slightly off-kilter post-objectivist libertarian (Sadly, small "l") commentary here.

OR, those of you who are masochistic, self-loathing men, you can visit Man-Hating Cunts.

OR, if you have some time on your hands, you can read about the horrors of the U.N.'s Agenda 21. [H/T 2 the possibly-but-maybe-not nutjobs at Radio Liberty.]

And those of you in the Missouri law-enforcement community, I have an assignment for you to work on. More of a question, really. I've heard that the reason this attempted murderer and this attempted murderer were not charged with attempted murder is that attempted murder is not a crime in Missouri. So they, like Zsa Zsa slapping a cheeky cop, are charged with assault. Is this the case? If so, WTF??!!?? You can go to jail in Missouri for smoking a little pot, but not for attempting to murder a little girl?

I've said it before and I'll say it again, the only difference between ATTEMPTED murder and ACTUAL murder is the ineptitude of the attacker.


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