The Arkanssouri Blog.: I think it's in 'Anthem.'

Monday, September 18, 2006

I think it's in 'Anthem.'

If not, it's in 1984 or Brave New World. Forgive me; it's been awhile since I read any of the three. I don't see any reason to read what I live through every day.

But there is a short scene in one of the three books in which a couple is interrupted during a private moment when the "secret" government surveillance camera starts shouting orders and insults at them.

UK's Daily Mail reports that we are now living inside the Brave 1984 Anthem.

The Mail on Sunday watched as a cyclist riding through a pedestrian area
was ordered to stop.

'Would the young man on the bike please get off and walk as he is riding in a pedestrian area,' came the command.

The surprised youth stopped, and looked about. A look of horror spread across his face as he realised the voice was referring to him.

He dismounted and wheeled his bike through the crowded streets, as instructed.

The watchful eyes, beneath which we are secure, now have mouths.

[H/T 2 Drudge.]


Blogger KipEsquire said...

That's "Big Brother" from 1984:

"We are the dead," says Winston.

"We are the dead," repeats Julia.

"You are the dead," Big Brother interrupts.

There is also a scene early in the book when Winston Smith isn't taking his morning calisthenics seriously and BB suddenly calls him out by name over the TV.

Trust me.

12:07 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

It was certainly in the 1984 movie. I wonder when we can start shooting the assholes who run the England Police State or the Missouri Police State?


5:31 PM  
Blogger The Last American said...

Thanx, Kip N R.

I really SHOULD wipe the dust off those books and read them again, but I never WAS the type to go back and re-read something I'd already read before, no matter how much of it I'd forgotten.

Maybe I, like Jerry Garcia, am the dead.

9:38 AM  

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