The Arkanssouri Blog.: Does BlogPAC not see the flaw in their position,

Thursday, February 22, 2007

Does BlogPAC not see the flaw in their position,

or do they just not care?

First, they denounce the plans to have Fox News host a debate, on the basis of Fox being a
partisan Republican propaganda outlet, not a news station

Then two of the alternatives they suggest . . .

It would be better to do this on MSNBC, CNN, C-Span, or just stream it on the Internet where progressive blogs can carry it

. . . are partisan Democrat propaganda outlets.

Oh, I get it. It's not that Fox is a partisan propoganda outlet that they object to. It's that Fox is a partisan Republican propoganda outlet. In their eyes, partisan propoganda outlets are fine and dandy, as long as they are partisan Democrat propoganda outlets.

And they somehow think progressive bloggers are prevented from covering something that happens on Fox.

And in that last alternative, to "just stream it on the Internet," they reveal their total lack of concern for the poor, who do not have Internet access. What's that, they suggest? They can access the Internet at the Library?

I remind them that at night, when such debates are almost ALWAYS held, libraries are closed.

[H/T 2 memeorandum.]

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