The Arkanssouri Blog.: What an ASBO!

Friday, May 25, 2007

What an ASBO!

I can officially stop warning people that an Orwellian future is coming.

Because it's here already.

Well, not here here yet, but across the pond here.

11. A 13-year-old was served an order banning him from using the word "grass" anywhere in England and Wales.
13. In February 2003, a 16-year-old boy was banned from showing
his tattoos, wearing a single golf glove, or wearing a balaclava in public
anywhere in the country. He was also forbidden from congregating in public
places in groups of more than three people.
18. In September 2004, on the same day as he was released from prison, a 21-year-old found himself back in court being served with an interim order which banned him from entering any car park in England and Wales, touching any car without the owners permission, and riding a bicycle. On the full application hearing, the Council also managed to have him banned from wearing all forms of headwear in public.
19. The oldest recipient of an order to date is an 87-year-old who among other things is forbidden from being sarcastic to his neighbours
32. A 17-year-old Birmingham youth as been banned from travelling on the top deck of buses. The conditions of his ASBO are that he cannot travel on a bus unless he sits where the driver and other passengers can see him.

Dear Gawd, I hope Mister Speaker doesn't find out about this.

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