Coincidentally, CNN's transcript page is down for "updating."
Anyone else catch the incessant repetition of the retarded phrase "Super Duper Tuesday" on the Situation Room yesterday?
Or the insistence that Arkansas is on the southern border of Illinois?
Here's their transcript page, if they put it back up without going back and revising it.
6/23/07 UPDATE: They have it up now.
BLITZER: A lot -- a lot of wiggle room, as we say, John. Hold on a second.
Candy Crowley is joining us as well. Candy, 22 states, 22 states now have signed
up to hold their primaries on February 5, Super Duper Tuesday, as it's now being
Who's calling it that, other than you dopes who are trying to create a catchmeme?
CANDY CROWLEY, CNN SENIOR POLITICAL CORRESPONDENT: You know, the truth of the matter is we don't know, because we have never seen a campaign like this. We don't know what all those states on February 5 will do to the strategy of those running in the standard states, when you start in Iowa, now Nevada, then New Hampshire, and then South Carolina.
But the fact of the matter is that most of the campaigns will say to you now that Super Duper Tuesday only makes those first four states even more important, because not that many people are going on to come out of those of four states still alive. So, you have to get through those first. And they think it only enhances the reputation of those states.
BLITZER: Would any of the candidates be smart now to sidestep Iowa and New Hampshire, South Carolina, and focus exclusively on Super Duper Tuesday?CROWLEY: Well, here's what I can tell you. A memo got out, as you recall, from the Hillary Clinton campaign, where one of her deputy campaign managers said, you know, maybe we should just skip Iowa.
And they could not take that back fast enough. Right now, these campaigns believe that only a couple of people are going to come out of Iowa and New Hampshire and South Carolina. And they need to be in Iowa to play.
BLITZER: Illinois now is going to be on Super Duper Tuesday, February 5. I assume that's great news for Barack Obama. But other candidates presumably will run well there as well.
KING: Well, Illinois, you might know, southern border is Arkansas. Hillary Clinton used to live in Arkansas, although I guess I said she was born in Illinois, and she says she's from New York.
Wolf Blitzer is so desperate to be culturally relevant; I can just see the story meeting where he insisted on repeatedly using the phrase.
And, oh yeah -- note to John King . . .
... a little something exists between Illinois and Arkansas.

Labels: John King, Ted Fonda's Liberal Opinion Network (TeFLON), Wolf Blitzer
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