The Arkanssouri Blog.: Questions:

Saturday, June 09, 2007


Does the PA system of a minor-league baseball team count as the press?

If so, then why isn't the ACLU all over this one?

Home plate umpire Tyler Ramsey tossed him and ordered the P.A. system shut down after Murray played a sound bite of a Bob Uecker line from the 1989 movie
"Major League" - "Personally, I think we got hosed on that call" - following a
close call against the home team at first base.

Another question: In this era where people are supposedly so all-fired-up about the "integrity of the game," what about the integrity of the announcing? Should the umpires be trying to influence the announcing?

Another question: If he doesn't want to be criticized for hosing a team, why did he hose the team?

Another question: Why is home plate umpire Tyler Ramsey such a f---ing pu$$y?

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