The Arkanssouri Blog.: Suppose Brad Pitt's dead. Does it matter?

Friday, June 08, 2007

Suppose Brad Pitt's dead. Does it matter?

Desissified reads this article and wonders how dead Brad Pitt is.

I suppose that if true (which I doubt -- no mention in Google News) it would matter only because it would cause casting problems for the Atlas Shrugged movie. And it would free up Angelina for some opportunistic young man. And I suppose there wouldn't be any good gay vampire movie sequels.

I'm gonna leave the article in an open window when I leave the library, though. Just to cause the others to get all tizzified.

UPDATE: Considering that when you roll over the "home" tab on that site, the link displayed is for "," the story might . . . just MIGHT . . . be a hoax. Ya think?

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