The Arkanssouri Blog.: My ugly mug.

Thursday, July 12, 2007

My ugly mug.

You won't see a lot of pictures of me here on the blog, mostly because nobody (including me) wants to look at my ugly mug, but I *have* occasionally received an email from a minion or two who wants to gaze upon my visage. It's easier to worship someone when you know what they look like, I guess.

So here you go. They were taken with my digicam over the past couple of days.

Those of you with weak constitutions, avert thine eyes.

Don't be TOO nasty with your comments, or I'll post the collage I sent to R of pictures of what happens in the Gay Hulk Family household when Mikey is gone to camp! :)

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Anonymous Anonymous said...

...and to think you used to call *me* the "skinhead cop"

It's a good look for you, though.

Post-2003 motorcycle-crash, I can't shave my head, given the scars under my lovely locks which I don't want to expose.

The R Man

3:30 PM  

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