The Arkanssouri Blog.: Song of the Day: I got fun; you want some?

Thursday, July 19, 2007

Song of the Day: I got fun; you want some?

I am on a 4-H trip to the Arkansas state fair.

A couple of friends and I are on this ride called "Alpine" somethingruther. It is basically a cross between a high-speed merry-go-round and a roller coaster.

Part of the ride goes into darkness. There is a strobe light. It is really cool.

But then, I am like 14.

The coolest part is when the ride is done.

For some reason, the attendant has to start it over before letting us off. And this time he has to run it in reverse.

And this song is playing really loud:

FF to present day. How cool is it that I found a video for the song that is also amusement park themed? KICKASS COOL, that's how cool!

But then, I am like 37.

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