The Arkanssouri Blog.: While sharing an apartment or two . . .

Monday, November 19, 2007

While sharing an apartment or two . . .

. . . Kevin and I instituted a rule that the toilet seat must be left UP after use. There is, after all, no objective reason that down is better.

This caused much consternation to one of his groupies, a Mister Apfel.

The Science Creative Quarterly agrees with our position.

Discussion and conclusionsFor “mankind”, the analysis in this paper has the following appeal: Once again, it has been found that the social norm of leaving the toilet seat down is inefficient; hence, “mankind” may feel vindicated.

For “womankind”, the analysis in this paper is appealing for the following reason: It has been shown that the social norm of leaving the seat down is a trembling-hand perfect equilibrium. Hence, this norm is not likely to go away, at least in the near future.

[H/T 2 Dynamist.]


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