The Arkanssouri Blog.: The 2007 Arkies.

Monday, December 31, 2007

The 2007 Arkies.

Douchebag of the Year: Matt Westerhold.

2007's Guilty Pleasure: Woo Pig Chewy.

Least Interesting Story Being Forcefed To Us By Big Media: Stacy Peterson. Would anyone outside those directly involved be interested in yet another Missing White Woman case if her name didn't rhyme with Laci Peterson?

Outside-the-box Idea of the Year: The Ron Paul Blimp.

Best 3-word Phrase of 2007: Legalize the Constitution.

2007 Phil Jackson Insinuendo Award: John Gruden's "Irrelative."
"If we were playing New England on a national televised game, we might have taken a different approach," Gruden said. "No disrespect to Carolina and all this other stuff because it's irrelative right now. "

2007 Doogie Howser Blogging Lifetime Achievement Award: Paul Harvey. He was blogging before there was a blogosphere, before there was an internet, before there were computers. He just used radio waves to do it.


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