The Arkanssouri Blog.: Goodbye, Gypsy.

Friday, April 30, 2004

Goodbye, Gypsy.

I found Gypsy dead under the porch of a neighbor. I think she had been hit by a car.

It's a f-ed up world we live in, where monsters like bin Laden and the Anthrax killer remain alive and a sweet little mother cat that never hurt anything in her entire life dies.

I buried her under one of the Royal Empress trees I planted as a memorial to the 9/11 victims in the back yard.

Take care of your babies in heaven, Gypsy. I'll do what I can for your babies still here on earth. I just hope it will be enough.

A beer, some Beam, most of a bottle of wine, and a few melatonin later, I managed to get to sleep last night. When I woke up this morning, comfortably numb was beginning to give way to hangover. I popped a couple of ephedra to rectify the situation.

I wonder if maybe I should stay comfortably numb until the world is no longer a place where f-ed up things like this happen.


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