The Arkanssouri Blog.: VW Bugs

Saturday, September 04, 2004

VW Bugs

If the margins of this blog appear messed up to you, it is because they are. Blame it on the picture of the "General Lee" a few posts ago. It's too big. That's one drawback of Blogger -- you can't resize the pictures. Or if you can, I haven't found out how.

At the NASCAR time trials yesterday, there were two Volkwagens painted up like Herbie, the Love Bug, promoting an upcoming Love Bug movie. The Love Bug movies were the first movie franchise I was really into. Until Star Wars came around, the Love Bug movies were my favorites.

Of course, I was, like, five at the time.

But even now, just the sight of Herbie brings a warm smile to my face.

I just wish they'd let him actually attempt to qualify for the race Sunday. Maybe they'll let him ride around the track in the back of the pack (that's too many 'ack's in one sentence, I know) during the parade laps.


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