The Arkanssouri Blog.: Rousing the rabble.

Wednesday, July 06, 2005

Rousing the rabble.

I'm scheduled to speak the the Thayer City Council at 7:00 PM July 12th, where I will deliver the following request.

Good evening, Councilmembers.

First, I'd like to take a moment to introduce myself. My name is John Hutchison and I've been living here in Thayer for five years. I am a full-time caregiver for my mother, and we jointly own a house.

The reason I've requested time at this meeting is this -- as you know, last month the United States Supreme Court drastically expanded the power of local governments to take property from private owners through eminent domain in the Kelo case. Now, not only can private property be seized to build a park or a road, but also to give to another, more wealthy property owner to increase property taxes paid on the property.

This is just wrong.

One of the few options we have left to protect property rights is through local government action. You have the unique opportunity to strengthen the rights of property owners within the city limits of Thayer. So I am asking you either to enact an ordinance yourselves, or to place it on the ballot for the next regularly-scheduled election.

I have gone over several suggestions with a fine-toothed comb, and have come to the conclusion that the simplest is the best. If enacted, the ordinance would read:

The City of Thayer shall not initiate eminent domain proceedings against any property.

Now, it may be that you as the City Council do not intend to exercise this power anyway, in which case you would not be giving up anything with this ordinance. But consider this, at some point in the future, there will be different Councilmembers. You have the opportunity to help them stay on the straight and narrow and respect the property rights of future generations.

There was a time when eminent domain was a necessary evil. People didn't like it, but were willing to tolerate it as long as it was for true public use and was not abused. With last month's ruling, however, that time has passed. The door to abuse has swung wide open for land to be seized for Pfizer instead of parks. You can stop this from happening here.

Thank you for your time and your consideration of this matter.

Anyone have any suggestions for improvements?


Blogger Tom Hanna said...

Short and simple. I wouldn't change a thing. Good luck.

2:26 PM  

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