The Arkanssouri Blog.: Water found on Mars.

Saturday, July 30, 2005

Water found on Mars.

It's frozen, but it's definitely water.

Where there's water and sunlight and comet collisions, there's probably life.

In other space news, all science textbooks printed before today have become obsolete with the discovery of a tenth planet.

Now, let's not 4uck up the naming of this one like we did Quaoar, which I don't understand the reason for it not being considered a planet.

Since we've got planets named after the wimpy Greek and Roman gods already, I suggest naming it after one of the Egyptian gods -- Osiris, maybe. Or Anubis. But not Orudis.


Blogger Tom Hanna said...

It should be named Rupert.

9:17 AM  
Blogger The Last American said...

Rupert was the name of my Boston Terrier.

No planet in the universe can match Rupert's greatness.

Maybe Aynrandia?

9:44 AM  

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