The man's loonier than Ross Perot on hillbilly heroin.

Howard the Dork*'s been at it again. Here's an excerpt from an story, featuring his idiocy and their artful annihilation of it:
"The president and his right-wing Supreme Court think it is OK to have the government take your house if they feel like putting a hotel where your house is," Dr. Dean said. "We think that eminent domain does not belong in the private sector. It is for public use only."
How did he lie in that statement? Let us count the ways.
First, it's not the "president's" court: Mr. Bush has not yet appointed a single member of it.Second, it's hard to argue that it's a "right-wing" court: As numerous analysts noted when the court's term ended this year, the more conservative bloc of justices has not won a single close, major case in ages.
Third, it was not the conservative justices at all, but the liberals -- John Paul Stevens, David Souter, Ruth Bader Ginsburg, Stephen Breyer -- who formed the heart of the majority decision in favor of the government's seizure of the homes. Conservatives William Rehnquist, Antonin Scalia and Clarence Thomas dissented (along with moderate-conservative Sandra Day O'Connor) in favor of the private homeowners.Fourth, it was the vast majority of congressional Republicans -- not Howard Dean's Democrats -- who responded to the court decision by voting to withhold federal funds from local entities that seize personal homes for commercial development. The vast majority of House Democrats, on the other hand, voted against withholding funds. House Democratic Leader Nancy Pelosi said she "would support that" Supreme Court decision, and even said that the high court's ruling was "almost as if God has spoken."
So here is the Democratic National Committee chairman blasting the president for
justices he did not appoint, blasting conservative judges for the work of liberal judges, and blasting Republicans in general for a decision to which Republicans objected while his fellow Democrats supported it.
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