The Arkanssouri Blog.: Take note, Hawaii, California . . .

Wednesday, August 31, 2005

Take note, Hawaii, California . . .

... and all you other price control bandwagoneers.

In Georgia, they get it right, recognizing that, to paraphrase from the Gipper, government overregulation isn't the solution to the problem; government overregulation IS the problem!

Gov. Sonny Perdue announced Tuesday he is taking action to help ease the price jump.

According to a Governor's Office news release, Perdue said Georgia is waiving gasoline regulations to help curb gas price escalation and possible supply issues associated with the hurricane.

"In the aftermath of Hurricane Katrina, it is important for the state to keep gas prices as low as possible for the people of Georgia and our economy," Perdue said in the release.

The state Environmental Protection Division is waiving state requirements for higher additive gasoline required until Sept. 15, according to the release. Waiving this requirement will allow gasoline suppliers to bring available gasoline into Georgia to help alleviate possible shortages and keep prices to a minimum.


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