The Arkanssouri Blog.: "One quick second?"

Tuesday, October 04, 2005

"One quick second?"

From transcripts of yesterday's Situation Room:

Blitzer: The Harriet Miers nomination to the U.S. Supreme Court has caused some reactions you might not necessarily have expected. While some epublicans are being cautious in their optimism, some Democrats are actually warmly embracing the president's pick. Joining us now, are guests: Democratic strategist and CNN Political Analyst James Carville and Republican strategist Rich Galen. Thanks guys for joining us. Are you surprised, James, that the sort of skepticism is coming more from the right than the left?

JAMES CARVILLE, CNN POLITICAL ANALYST: Yeah. I don't know. Nothing surprises me. I think the pick surprised me. This has like President Bush all over it. This was his pick. On this show I've said a few weeks ago that...

BLITZER: I want to interrupt you James for one quick second, because we're getting information right now that boat, the Ethan Allen in Lake George in upstate New York is being raised right now. There we see it. These are live pictures coming in from Lake George, New York. Susan Lisovicz is there. We see some divers on the sidelines over there, on the side of those boats. Susan, update our viewers on what we know.

Later . . .

BLITZER: And, Susan, all the bodies have been recovered, right?

LISOVICZ: That's correct.

BLITZER: So we're not going to see any more bodies emerge from this capsized boat?

LISOVICZ: That's correct. That's correct, Wolf.

BLITZER: Susan, stand by. I want to continue to watch this picture and update our viewers on this dramatic development. They're bringing this boat up, the Ethan Allen. We're going to also resume our discussion, our "Strategy Session" on Harriet Miers, the nominee to replace Sandra Day O'Connor on the Supreme Court. We'll take a quick break. We'll go back to Lake George right after this.

Wolf never did get back to the Strategy Session. Instead, he proved that in CNN's eyes, a picture of a nonevent (the raising of the capsized boat) trumps analysis of an actual event (the Supreme Court nomination.) He spent hours and hours showing pictures of a half-submerged boat and asking the same questions over and over again. No, Wolf, they weren't wearing lifejackets. No matter how many on-scene officials you ask, the answer is always going to be 'no.' No, Wolf, you're not going to see any bodies. No, Wolf, the boat pilot wasn't given blood and alcohol tests afterwards. Stop asking the same damn questions.

And stop bringing people into the Situation Room if you're going to let pictures of a nonevent keep them from saying anything.

And stop putting "shall we say" in sentences where it doesn't belong.

BLITZER: So that was not necessarily a major factor, but what could have been a factor was if these people were overweight, shall we say, and that the weight of this boat, it simply couldn't sustain 48 people.

No, Wolf. They were overweight or they weren't. They were not overweight, shall we say.

And learn the meaning of the words "one" and "final."

BLITZER: And I'm going to let you go in a second. But one final question, Mr. Rosenker, the 47 passengers I take it were not wearing these flotation devices, the life vests? [That's one.]

ROSENKER: That is correct. But there's no requirement for that as well, Wolf.

BLITZER: Did they have the life vests on the boat? [That's two.]

ROSENKER: There was a requirement to have one for each passenger on the vessel. And we'll counting to make sure that they had enough life preservers for each and every one of the passengers and crewman. So, we'll be trying to take stock of everything that is on that boat to make sure it was in compliance.

BLITZER: Did the 27 survivors -- passengers who survived, plus the captain, were they wearing life vests? [That's three.]

ROSENKER: We'll be interviewing them to find out. We don't know. There were life preservers that were floating, came out from the vessel. We had heard some people grabbed hold of those. But we'll learn more as we do these interviews, Wolf.

BLITZER: All right. Mark Rosenker is the acting chairman of the NTSB. He's also a two star Air Force general in the Air Force reserves. He's joining us from Lake George. Very kind of you, Mr. Rosenker, to join us, appreciate it very much. You've been very helpful.

Three is not "one final question," Mr. Blitzer.


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