The Arkanssouri Blog.: What's an allmember?

Tuesday, October 04, 2005

What's an allmember?

I came across this article yesterday: What altruism means for allmembers of a just community. It contains, among others, the following kernels of "wisdom."

"Others" are the majority of us who make up the rest of our national
community. Only in a community is it possible to accumulate or keep wealth. And
a just community cares for the true needs of all its members.


I do believe having "the mind that was in Christ" will be more likely to make our world a just and loving one than focusing on our right to keep whatever our ambitions allow us to accumulate under our current conditions.

This morning I got snippy and emailed the following response to the author:

Re: Your column on altruism.

Without free will, there is no morality. Where is the morality in being FORCED to help the poor?

Would God condemn you to Hell if someone held a gun to your head and forced you to steal a car? No? Then why would He judge you as just for being forced to give some of your income to the poor, with the threat of imprisonment if you didn't?

There is no mercy in justice, and no justice in mercy.

Ayn Rand's point isn't that you SHOULDN'T give money to the poor. It is that the choice to do so, or not to do so, should be yours, and not the government's.

It is when such "help" becomes coercive, on a societal level, that problems erupt. How can a society that rewards failure and punishes success be expected to succeed? The answer is simple; it can't.

What is more sinful, allowing an individual to suffer, or allowing a society to collapse?

UPDATE: Got a response, for what it's worth.
Interesting. But for the life of me, I don't see anything but free will in one's life. Divine judgment, fear, coercion, etc. don't even figure in my thinking.

Thanks for reading, and for taking the time to write.



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