The Arkanssouri Blog.: But I thought it was BUSH that caused Katrina...

Wednesday, January 25, 2006

But I thought it was BUSH that caused Katrina...

... turns out I was mistaken. It was Ayn Rand.

Largely, we just stare. So typically, when New Orleans filled with water
and FEMA did nothing, we stared, and we watched an old pattern unfold: where
there are a lot of people in crisis, somebody will make formidable money.

We should have known it was coming.

If FEMA’s response had been swift and effective it would have looked heroic, for both the common person and for the common good. FEMA’s inaction was not a botch. There are deep corridors behind this.

It was close to what Ayn Rand’s disciples have in mind, and I believe there are plenty of Rand’s disciples in places of high influence.

Note the concern not with how many people were saved, but that somebody made a few bucks doing it.

And didn't we have this discussion a couple of years ago, only instead of "Randian cabal" it was "Straussian cabal"?


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