If someone . . .
. . . solved the gas crisis, the obesity crisis, and the pollution crisis, and nobody listened, did he really solve it?
My solution? The government should get with Empire Toys and develop an adult-sized Big Wheel. It would probably have to have a lightweight metal frame instead of plastic, chrome wheels (maybe spinners!) and rubber radial tires.
Make it mandatory to give one out with each new car purchase, and mandate that every new road built must have a "Big Wheel" lane at the edge (maybe seperated by a strip of grass) of each direction. And permission to drive them on sidewalks, where possible.
Yes, I know that paragraph goes against my libertarian sensibilities, but already so much (fuel standards, seat belts, etc.) is mandated on cars that another $75 or so isn't going to make a difference.
And for those times when the rider needs to carry cargo, a hitch on the back for an optional wagon to be pulled behind (maybe collaborate with Radio Flyer?). You could carry about three bags of groceries in one of those and be reasonably safe against spillage.
Obviously, it would mostly be for daytime use. Unless you hook a small generator up to the rear axle to power head and taillights.

Of course, mine would be all black with red flames.
I am waiting for a phone call any moment now, offering me a top management position in my choice of the Department of Energy, HHS, and the EPA.
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