The Arkanssouri Blog.: 'Fired Up!' needs to learn the difference ...

Thursday, March 16, 2006

'Fired Up!' needs to learn the difference ...

. . . between a ban and the ending of a taxpayer subsidy.

One commenter on the post even asked "Without social services, who do they expect to take care of the children?"

The idea that parents are responsible for taking care of their own children never crosses his mind.

Here's my reply, in case the Senator Golddigger crew don't like it and take it down:

"Who will take care of the children?"

Here's a novel concept -- the parents. Don't have kids you can't afford. And as for those who say they can't afford contraception, it doesn't cost a penny to keep your legs crossed and your pants on.

This post and the above commenters seem to equate ending a taxpayer subsidy for birth control with banning birth control altogether. There is a difference, and people should learn it.

You want a rubber? Then YOU buy it. Don't force me to buy it for you. If you can't afford a rubber, then refrain from hiking your dresstail up around your head.


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