The Arkanssouri Blog.: On My Insufferable Smugness, Part III.

Tuesday, March 21, 2006

On My Insufferable Smugness, Part III.

Another pronouncement from The Mountaintop:

The absence of subsidies is [largely] what makes capitalism capitalism and not socialism.

Too bad my wisdom is being wasted upon the Socialized Condoms Brigade, who refuse to listen.


Blogger Stephen Booth said...

As I recall it's:

Giving subsidies to impoverished groups who need assistance to get to a point where they can become self sufficient = socialism.

Giving tax breaks and no-bid contracts to rich people and groups so that they can export jobs to places where there are no pesky regulations about safe working and where people will work for less per week than people in your own country can afford to work for in an hour (due to cost of living differences) = capitalism.

6:08 AM  

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