The Arkanssouri Blog.: The View jumps the shark.

Saturday, April 29, 2006

The View jumps the shark.

Rosie O'Donnell to join The View.

1. Joy Behar isn't going to want to share her allotment of "funny" time with comedienne O'Donnell. (Though, if you ask me, both are gripy, not funny.)

2. Rosie O'Donnell has taken shots at Star Jones via bad poetry:

star jones had weight loss surgery
she had part of her stomach bypassed
that is how she lost 1/2 herself

she refuses to say this
which is her right
but we do not have to pretend
we do not know

3. Do we really need to see THREE vocal left-wingers ganging up on poor conservative Elisabeth? I don't think so. We can probably assume Merideth is fairly liberal, but she managed in her role as moderator on the program to keep her own ideology out of most of the discussion. Star Jones and Joy Behar slobber all over Al Gore every chance they get and are genetically incapable of objectivity. And O'Donnell is twice as bad as both of them put together. Remember her screeching at Tom Selleck and her assertions that "All guns should be outlawed, and all gun owners should be put in jail."? Run, Elisabeth. As fast as you can. Get away from them. As soon as possible.

4. Adding Rosie will screw up the whole "multigenerational" vibe they've tried to create from day one. They need someone either younger than Elisabeth or chronologically midway between Elisabeth and Star. Adding O'Donnell will simply resurrect the three-bitter-old-biddies-griping-at-the-young-one perception that plagued the Matenopoulos (and to a lesser extent, the Ling) years.

5. They need someone other than Walters (because Walters isn't there all the time) with a news or politics background. Without a news wonk, all discussion will be about how mean Brad Pitt dumped sweet Jennifer Aniston and whether salmon is the new black and who got what plastic surgery. We don't need that. That's what E! is for.

My suggestion? Alternate between Chelsea Clinton and Jenna and (the younger) Barbara Bush.


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