The Arkanssouri Blog.: Maybe that's why Oprah likes them so much.

Monday, October 02, 2006

Maybe that's why Oprah likes them so much.

NBC's anti-male bias is showing.

Have you noticed how all their "To Catch A Predator" segments target only MEN?

Excerpts (my emphasis in bold):

By the time we finish broadcasting this latest series of “To Catch A Predator” investigations, 184 men will have been charged with crimes relating to soliciting a minor online for sex. What is starting to amaze me, though, is how many men continue to show up at our hidden camera houses who have seen our past investigations.


Here in Georgia, we find what we’ve found all over the country. The men who come to visit a minor for sex come from all walks of life.

There’s another first for us in this investigation as well. As you may have seen before, some of these guys admit to me they have heard of or seen portions of our programs.


It always amazes me how some of the men who come knocking on the door of our hidden camera houses act like they’ve developed real relationships with our decoys during their online chats.


Why do these guys still show up after so many high profile programs on predators? I think there are a couple of reasons. My sense is that many of these guys think their odds of getting caught are pretty slim.


Other men seem no longer able to control their compulsions.


Sometimes guys will start showing up all at once on a Friday afternoon and then there’ll be hours of no activity.


The whole team’s pretty weary at this point, but with the chat rooms working, there was again a steady stream of men heading in the door.

I sent them an email asking why they seek only to entrap MEN, not women, and why they want to create the impression that the only predators are male and only males are predators. We'll see if it's answered.

[Oprah's slobbering all over the news-manufacturing, male-entrapment segments is described here.]


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