The Arkanssouri Blog.: Lake-effect snow sans the lake.

Wednesday, January 03, 2007

Lake-effect snow sans the lake.

I wake up this morning, ready to go to Warm Fork park and do my laps. I'm up to five now, increasing by one per day.

I take Tiny out into the front yard for his morning business. It is frosty. It is cold. My porch thermometer tells me it is twenty degrees.

It is foggy, but it is not snowing.

I decide I can tolerate a little cold, so I don my longshoreman hat, my brown jersey gloves, and since it is not raining or snowing, my spiffy new black leather jacket I bought myself for Boxing Day Eve.

I drive to the park, get out and begin my laps.

About halfway through lap 2, it begins snowing, along one of the two small creeks that merge at one end of the park. Not big flakes; not flakes at all, really. More like particles of snow.

I look across the park; it isn't snowing over there.

The snow doesn't get any bigger, but it does get more intense. It starts building up on my spiffy new black leather jacket I bought myself for Boxing Day Eve.

I finish lap two when I reach my parking spot; I get in the car.

It has snowed enough that my rear window wiper has frozen to the glass.

I decide to go home and return to the park later today when it is supposed to be around fifty degrees, to finish my laps.

I leave the park.

I notice on the drive home that is not snowing anywhere else in town. One bridge that I cross over spans the park. I look over the edge.

Indeed; it is still snowing in the park. It is even turning certain grassy areas a minor shade of white.

As I get to the other end of the bridge, it stops.

Later in the morning, I tell people of the snow.

They look at me like I am some exotic species of bug.


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