The Arkanssouri Blog.: I could have used a teacher like him when I was in school.

Friday, February 23, 2007

I could have used a teacher like him when I was in school.

Here is where I make an uncharacteristically personal confession.

I was bullied in school. Daily. Unceasingly. Intensely. By almost everyone. And I know how it shapes the outlook of the bullied for the rest of his or her life.

There were times in that hell when the only thing keeping me from being a murderer or a suicide was the fact that I didn't have a gun in my hand at the moment.

Through it all, the only thing I wanted was for it to stop, and wondering why none of the people who SHOULD have stopped it WOULD.

While I attach the blame for Columbine on the two who did the shooting, I know the hands of those who bullied them, and the teachers and administration that let it happen, are not entirely spotless.

At his school, teacher Mike Collins stopped it.

And in the process, hurt the feelings of a couple of worthless little douchebag future-convict pieces of shit who were bullying a handicapped student.

For that, he got fired.

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