The Arkanssouri Blog.: More on the Brown saga.

Saturday, June 09, 2007

More on the Brown saga.

The jackboots Tazered the dog-walker, although he was not resisting arrest.

After walking down the Browns' long, wooded driveway, he came face to face with a man in camouflage. When Riley asked the man if he was a turkey hunter, he initially got no reaction.

"Then all of the sudden, the guy stood right up in front of me," Riley said. "And with a full camouflage suit on and yelled, 'Freeze.' [Note that the man does not identify himself as law enforcement.] At that point I turned around and ran, ran for my life."

On the video, Riley describes hearing bullets whiz by him as he yelled to the marshals that he was unarmed. Brown said on the radio yesterday that he also heard gunfire Thursday morning from his house. But Monier said that marshals never shot at the dog walker.

"Absolutely no lethal force was ever employed towards him or against him," Monier said.

Once he started running, Riley said that several more marshals emerged from both sides of the Brown driveway. Realizing he was surrounded, he held his hands out in attempt to surrender.

Riley said, and the law enforcement source confirmed, that marshals shocked him with a Taser before handcuffing him and placing him in a vehicle.

The jackboots claim they weren't there to "assault the house" and capture or kill the Browns, but that "they could arrest those who help the couple avoid capture."

And what did the national mainstream media find so important that it had to focus on it yesterday and totally ignore this story? Paris Hilton crying.

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