The Arkanssouri Blog.: "Have you found God?" "I didn't know He was missing."

Thursday, July 12, 2007

"Have you found God?" "I didn't know He was missing."

Prosecutors: God is homeless.

A Romanian convict's legal action against God has failed - because
prosecutors could not find God’s address.

Pavel Mircea, from Timisoara, who is serving a 20 year sentence for
murder, launched legal action against God two years ago.

In his legal claim he stated: "God and I closed a contract when I was
baptised and God did not respect his part of the deal.
But the prosecutors in Timisoara have decided to drop the case after two

A spokesman said: "We could not find God’s address. He has no home

Did they try looking in Teman? That's where God came from. Maybe he still has a residence there.



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