The Arkanssouri Blog.: Song of the Day: Can't get food for them kid, good God.

Wednesday, July 25, 2007

Song of the Day: Can't get food for them kid, good God.

I don't count concert footage or "American Bandstand"-type performances as videos.

It wasn't on MTV. Wasn't even on Night Tracks on Superstation TBS. Cable wasn't available out in the sticks (even if it was, the nearest cable provider was one of those that banned MTV). And satellite dishes were still these giant, multi-thousand dollar monstrosities out of the reach of the unrich.

No, this was on a little show called "Friday Night Videos." It was on NBC, I think, and came on right after the Tonight Show.

Of course, without cable, my TV reception was at the mercy of the Atmosphere Gods, so the only station you could count on coming in was the crappy northern Arkansas PBS station. The others were intermittent at best during certain atmospheric conditions.

But this Friday night it was my good fortune to have a certain confluence of events happen -- the NBC reception was good, my parents had gone to bed, and I had stayed up past the 10:00 news instead of retiring to my room to listen to the radio like I usually did.

And this was the first video I saw. Ever.

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