The most alarming thing . . .
. . . about this article on Britain approving Dr. Moreau-style humanimal hybrids is not the Dr. Moreau-style humanimal hybrids, no no.
The most alarming thing comes in the last four words of the opening sentence.
Plans to allow British scientists to create human-animal embryos are expected to be approved tomorrow by the government's fertility regulator.
The government's fertility regulator.
The government's fertility regulator.
The government's fertility regulator.
Think about that a moment.
Now, on to the Dr. Moreau-style humanimal hybrids.
I've always wanted a Wolfhuahua.
But I don't think a Wolfhuaman would be a good idea.
I haven't seen two things more mismatched since that time G.G. and the Murder Junkies were the guest musical act on Hee-Haw.

Labels: Brit Brother, flinging poop, G.G. Allin, Hee Haw, Murder Junkies, reproductive freedom
And I would like a Spam-ijuana, for that matter, though when McDoobie's opens (from the Cheech and Chong bit) it will become a distinct possibility.
I wonder what the Hager twins would have done with ol' G.G.?
G. G. Allin salutes his hometown, Lancaster, New Hampshire, population 3,280-
To get poop flung at YOU, call BR-549! -- Junior Samples
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