The Arkanssouri Blog.: I can prove it's a bookshelf, not an actual cross.

Thursday, December 20, 2007

I can prove it's a bookshelf, not an actual cross.

Note that it does not make Nanny Huckabee hiss and cower and burst into flames.

Therefore, it cannot be a cross.

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Blogger Tom Hanna said...

Did Martin Scorsese direct it? Because, if that's a cross, it's like the X-es in The Departed - they're there if you know to look for them. I suppose a Cross is really more appropriate for an Easter commercial, but if you're gonna run a Christian themed commercial is having a cross really that big a deal?

I mean, if someone ran a Happy Ayn Rand's Birthday ad, I'd expect a dollar sign in it somewhere.

4:13 AM  

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