The Arkanssouri Blog.: I am getting SO tired of having to raise hell to be able to do what I SHOULD be able to do.

Monday, April 11, 2005

I am getting SO tired of having to raise hell to be able to do what I SHOULD be able to do.

I had to sic the state government onto 'em, but they've finally let me back into blogger.

I am 35 years old. I should not have to ask permission to blog at the library. Or to read message boards. Or to go onto ebay. Or to view jokes, even tasteless ones.

Or even to view smut, for that matter, as long as I don't let children see it.

When I started blogging, it was fun. But with all the hassles I have to go through now, I'm considering ending it. It's rapidly reaching the point where the annoyance factor outweighs the enjoyment. Maybe I'll become just another casualty of the blog wars.


Blogger Kevin Whited said...

Wow, the state of Missouri has banned the use of blogging tools?!

I hadn't heard that. Tom, why weren't you affected?

Oh wait, I think I know -- you really mean the service provided by Missouri and American taxpayers isn't operating up to the standards of, say, a private service?

Well, as a good Libertarian, surely you know the fix for that! :)

2:00 PM  

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