The Arkanssouri Blog.: As I Was Saying Before I Was So Rudely Interrupted.

Tuesday, September 06, 2005

As I Was Saying Before I Was So Rudely Interrupted.

I didn't mean to be gone so long, honest.

[Heckler In The Audience:] "We didn't notice you went anywhere!"

I meant to return Saturday, but Saturday I got the bright idea to go to a yard sale, where I found a 90-inch sleeper sofa I just HAD to have. The guy even delivered it to my house. I had him drop it off in my front yard.

I spent the entire morning trying to fit the damn thing through my front door, and once I managed to get it in, I had to spend most of the rest of the day recovering.

No big deal, I thought. I'll go blog Monday.

What I didn't remember was that Monday was Labor Day.

My life is a dramedy of errors.


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