The Arkanssouri Blog.: Is it just me,

Tuesday, September 06, 2005

Is it just me,

or is Mayor Nagin's blaming everyone but his own city government for the situation New Orleans is in wearing thin?

Nagin was elected in 2002. You would think that in three years, he could have done SOMETHING to upgrade the levees, especially considering the hyperventilating he did about them during Hurricane Ivan.

But you see, he didn't want the city to pay for the upgrades itself. He wanted Plantation Master Uncle Sam to do it. Never mind that New Orleans had enough resources to bring two major sports franchises to it. New Orleans could pay for entertainment, but not for it's own needs?

So you can shout "Goddamn" and "I am pissed" all you want, Mr. Mayor. But the first person you should be pissed at is the one in the mirror.


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