The Arkanssouri Blog.: T minus 20.5 hours and counting.

Monday, November 07, 2005

T minus 20.5 hours and counting.

Tomorrow's the day, and I have no idea how busy I'll be, so I may not blog.

I have no idea how it will turn out.

A month, or even a week, ago I would have said the tax increase would easily go down in flames.

That was before I found out how desperately the TCBA want it to pass. Desperate desires yield desperate actions. Would it surprise me if dead people voted tomorrow? No.

I think in the beginning, the TCBA thought they would just quietly push this through and nobody would challenge them. They were wrong. Even if it passes, some of their shady actions have been exposed.

I'll repeat my earlier offer -- if you're voting 'no' and need a ride to the polls, let me know.

The head librarian and some other woman were talking about me this morning. I caught the phrase "says it's a 'tax hike'," a phrase I deliberately used instead of "tax increase" in my letter(s) to the editor, and something about "especially with him being a single man."

1. How do they know I'm single?
2. What does my marital status have to do with whether or not this tax should pass?

I am being followed.


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