And now I teach REASON magazine a lesson.
My subscription to Reason is up this month, and I had planned on renewing it. Then, last night, I got telemarketed from the phone number 205-408-4817 to try to get me to renew it. So, now, I shall not be renewing my subscription.
A little internet digging traced the number to EBSCO Industries, a company which apparently has been harassing many, many people with hangups and multiple calls a day and no one being on the line when the person answers the phone, and nobody at the company answering any questions when we call the number.
Bad business practice, Reason, and in my humble opinion contrary to the spirit, if not the letter, of libertarianism.
I managed to mail in my little card to renew the subscription last time, didn't I? Now, do you think I am somehow incapable of doing it again? Do you think I need a rude phone call to remind me?
There is a reason I did not give you my phone number, Reason. I don't want to be telemarketed. And yet you subcontracted me out to a company that apparently trolled through all the Hutchisons in the phone book until they hunted me down. You see, Reason, I don't have a phone, and yet your little attack dog subcontractor harassed all the Hutchisons until they caught me at my mother's number, which, incidentally, is on the DO NOT CALL list. You know, that thing your subcontractor ignored?
I looked up and posted what contact info I could find for EBSCO over on I am also posting it here in the hopes that any spiders looking for phone numbers to telemarket will latch onto it. Hey, they can't complain, given that their practices suggest they are in favor of playing fast and loose with others' personal information.
EBSCO Industries, Inc.
P.O. Box 1943
Birmingham, AL 35201-1943
5724 Hwy. 280 East
Birmingham, AL 35242
Main line: (205) 991-6600
And while I'm at it, here is some contact info for Reason:
Editorial & Production Offices:
3415 S. Sepulveda Blvd. Suite 400
Los Angeles, CA 90034
(310) 391-2245
I hope my readers will find these phone numbers handy any time they need a fictional phone number.
John Hutchison, former subscriber.
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