The Arkanssouri Blog.: Apparently, Glenn thought the story needed some spicing up.

Tuesday, October 03, 2006

Apparently, Glenn thought the story needed some spicing up.

From yesterday's Glenn Beck Show on CNN Headline News:

I also know that sometimes alcoholism is a symptom of something bigger.
Look at Mel Gibson with his anti-Semitism, Mark Foley with his boy love and our
good old friend George Michael, who, just this morning, took a nap at a
stoplight because he was full of weed and whiskey.

There's only one problem. There is no mention of whiskey in the articles on George Michael's episode.

Newsgoogles for the terms "'George Michael' whisky" and "'George Michael' whiskey" turn up nothing.

Apparently, alcoholic Glenn Beck had whiskey on his mind.

Because SURELY neither he nor the network would INVENT DETAILS to spice up a story!


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