The Arkanssouri Blog.: From our "Totally Useless Discovery" file . . .

Thursday, October 05, 2006

From our "Totally Useless Discovery" file . . .

. . . we find that the welfare schools are spending your money on suggesting experiments to find out things like this:

It might NOT be practical, but if you send popcorn kernels to 122-thousand feet above the earth, they will pop more efficiently and maybe even taste better.

Those are the findings by a group of students from Eastway Elementary in Columbus whose experiment, "Effect of Space Conditions on Popcorn," was among 20 U-S student proposals NASA selected in March.

I'll be sure to keep that in mind the next time I want to nuke a bag. Maybe I'll hitch a ride on Virgin Galactic beforehand and take the popcorn with me. Yeah, that's it. I'll spend a fortune and place myself and others at considerable risk just to make my popcorn fluffier. That's the ticket.

OR, I could do what normal, actual people do -- go to the movie theater and buy some!

Damn looters.

[H/T 2 brainhop.]


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