The Arkanssouri Blog.: From Moishe Foxworthy . . .

Wednesday, December 27, 2006

From Moishe Foxworthy . . .

If you wonder whether roadkill is kosher . . .

If you converted to Judaism so you could worship on Saturdays, because Sunday's for NASCAR . . .

If the part of the Global Monetary Conspiracy that you are overseeing collapsed when Wal-Mart stopped offering lay-away . . .

If you are nostalgic for that meshugana show Hee-Haw . . .

If your yarmulke is green with a bright yellow John Deere logo on the front . . .

If you have ever uttered the phrase "Oy-vey, y'all!" . . .

If you've ever asked the rabbi to save up the foreskins so you could use them as fishbait . . .

... then Jew might be a Redneck!


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