The Arkanssouri Blog.: Can I am be an intellectually-elite?

Tuesday, June 12, 2007

Can I am be an intellectually-elite?

Nowhere in my first post did I say I was "anti-blogging". Quite to the
contrary, I said to bloggers who want to take the Democratic Party back into the
big tent, "God bless you and thank you." I was quoted saying after the Webb
election that the "bloggers" led the way. As Casey Stengel said, "You can look
it up." The problem I've got is I'm "anti-losing" and don't like a small group
of intolerant, intellectually-elites continuously trying to shape the "Big Tent" into a "Pup Tent". The blogs are the Democratic Party's greatest source of power and unity. Why would I am be anti-blogging? In other words, I wasn't talking to all of you. Just some of you.

You expect a typo now and then with blogs. They don't have editors to handle these things, after all.

Unless they're run by Big Media.

Like Time.

Here's a screenshot, because Mudcat will undoubtedly go back and fix it now that the anti-intellectually-eliteness of it has been exposed.

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