The Arkanssouri Blog.: Mike Rogers: Follow your Big Gay Marching Orders or else!

Wednesday, September 05, 2007

Mike Rogers: Follow your Big Gay Marching Orders or else!

Mike Rogers engages in a high-tech lynching of uppity gays.

In Rogers' mind, if you're against gay rights in your public life and you
live a secret homosexual life, all bets are off.

Yeah, except that the Big Gay Marching Orders include among their "gay rights," criminalizing what people think. And taking away the rights of business owners to run their businesses the way they see fit. Does the privilege of enjoying dude-on-dude action require the outsourcing of one's decision making to Gay Central Command?

And Rogers doesn't seem to realize that the freedom to choose to live his life out of the closet is THE VERY SAME DAMN FREEDOM as the freedom to choose to live one's life IN the closet.

But there I go again, having an opinion of my own that doesn't fall into lockstep with Gay Central Command. How uppity of me.

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