The Arkanssouri Blog.: Military Blogger Demoted.

Wednesday, August 03, 2005

Military Blogger Demoted.

Story here.

His site's closed, but you can pick through Google's cache of his site here and here.

I don't see anything really worthing of demotion or fining.


Blogger Tom Hanna said...

I'm not sure how this is all that different than "the old days" when letters home had to go through military censors and anything that could give away troop movements was cut out. The Army is not anti-blogging, but their job is "protect Democracy, not to practice it" as the saying goes. If it was inadvertent or minor, this may have been overkill, but it's also possible that whatever was revealed was serious enough that the Army picked up the phone to Google and it's not in their cache.

10:39 AM  

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