The Arkanssouri Blog.: This is what altruism gets you.

Tuesday, September 06, 2005

This is what altruism gets you.

Saturday, I think it was.

I'm pulling into the Country Mart parking lot and I see a fire truck. The Muscular Dystrophy Association is having a "fill the boot" type donation drive.

My Ford Escort is really too small for me. I must point that out.

I put the car in park and try to reach into my front pocket for some change to give them. I can't quite reach it. I stretch out my leg, pressing against the floorboard with my foot.

I hear a loud POP and fall backward.

I have broken the seat.

Ayn Rand was right.


Blogger Dennis said...

Great post, John. So true. Here's my story in the same category:

12:21 AM  
Blogger The Last American said...

Gives me an idea for a new poll.

10:09 AM  

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