The Arkanssouri Blog.: Credit where due.

Friday, July 28, 2006

Credit where due.

I've often blogged about the absurdity which is the Glenn Beck Show.

Too much wardrobe from the Patsy Montana Collection

(Note the pearly snappy-snaps and the little double triangle flaps on the pockets. And, I'm not kidding, he's worn a bright pink one on the show.)

and not enough airtime for the studmuffiny Dave Glover, whose show site is here.

But I have to give him his props when he earns them. Yesterday, he absolutely nailed both the Shrieker and the media at the same time:

I think all you have to know about the Howard Dean speech is just the
headlines. Here are the headlines, and they`re all headlines from the same
speech, I kid you not. Look at this. The first one is from the Associated Press.
"Dean Calls Iraqi Prime Minister an Anti-Semite."

OK, same speech, different headline. This one from the "Sun Sentinel."
"Howard Dean Compares Katherine Harris to Stalin." Got him?

OK, last headline -- I love this -- from the A.P. again. Same speech. "Howard
Dean Calls End to Divisiveness


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